While the GOP nomination is all but locked up for President Trump, the media won’t tell you that perhaps the exact opposite is happening on the Democrats’ side.

Despite being the incumbent President, Joe Biden is in a far weaker position politically than ever before. His approval ratings keep dropping while his disapprovals keep going up, and multiple other Democrats have begun circling as they smell blood in the water. From long-shot Congressman Dean Phillips to Gavin Newsom’s shadow campaign, many Democrats are increasingly making it clear that they do not have confidence in Biden to serve another four years.

There is much polling that reflects this trend as well. And yet, because of one man’s ego, the party has been forced to keep the charade up for just too long; as most ballot deadlines have already come and gone in the early crucial states, it may be too late for any serious challenger to replace Biden the conventional way. So Democrats may very well be stuck with someone that they know doesn’t have a chance at making it through a second term, which could be all it takes for President Trump to defeat him in 2024.


So Many Democrats So Want to See Slow Joe Gone

By Stephen Green

Overwhelming majorities of Americans want to be rid of Presidentish Joe Biden — including half of all Democrats if “charges that Biden’s family had taken more than $30 million in payments from overseas governments and corporations proved true.”

That’s according to a new I&I/TIPP poll out Monday.

Americans are in an ecumenical mood about exactly how Biden should make his exit. Of the two-thirds who said Biden needs to go if the charges, nearly 40% said Biden should be impeached and removed from office. A quarter, perhaps even less patient than Yours Truly in their desire to see Joe go, told TIPP he should resign immediately. 15% said he should stay in office but decline to run again next year.

Only 10% told TIPP that Biden should run again in 2024 “regardless of the findings.”

Translation: “Just leave. We don’t care how.”

In a sense, today’s news isn’t news at all. TIPP reports “remarkable stability” in its data going back to July when it first posed the Should Joe Go question to American voters with, “responses have been consistent throughout.”

In another sense, today’s news isn’t news at all. Biden and his family got rich — very rich — with absolutely nothing to sell aside from the Biden name. They sold it, quite shamelessly, in squeaky-clean places (cough, cough) like Moscow, Kyiv, and Beijing. That’s corruption, no other word for it, and the rest is just details.

As the TIPP report reminded readers:

The Senate’s ongoing investigation, spearheaded by Iowa GOP Sen. Charles Grassley, found a “highly credible” source who reported that both Joe Biden and son Hunter took $5 million in bribes each from the Ukrainian energy giant Burisma. All told, the Senate probe suggested the amount of the influence-peddling could exceed $30 million to $40 million.

There’s a paper trail. There are shell corporations. There’s the inconvenient truth that a man who never held a real job somehow got quite rich.

But… do the Biden Crime Family’s misdeeds rise to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors” for a sitting president, or are they “merely” at a Clinton Foundation level of scuzziness? Only the ongoing impeachment inquiry can say for sure, and as Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) told the Washington Post last week, “We’ll just go where the evidence goes and we’re not there yet.”

The same story noted that new House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has struck “a more reserved tone” regarding impeachment and indicated in a closed-door meeting with GOP moderates that “there is insufficient evidence at the moment to initiate formal impeachment proceedings.”

The Biden family’s foreign riches have been an open secret since before Joe ran his basement campaign in 2020. The press didn’t care then, and they don’t care much now — except to the extent that it might hurt the Left in 2024. So it doesn’t really matter if the charges are “proved true.” If Biden is salvageable, the Democrat-Media Complex will do what it can to push him across the finish line in just one more race. If he isn’t, they’ll move on to the next bright, shiny Democrat — I’m looking at you, Gavin Newsom — in the unlikely event that Biden finally makes his graceless exit.

What we, the people, want be damned.

Read the original article at PJ Media