Every now and then, we are given a grim reminder that the crisis our country is facing is not just a political one, but a societal and cultural one in which basic norms of decency have long since been shattered. A video goes viral, a story hits the headlines, and the very real, human cost of this civilizational degradation is made even more apparent.

The latest example is this brutal video from Missouri, in which a black girl savagely beats a White girl in the street as numerous other black teens stand around and cheer. The assailant violently attacks the victim, a girl named Kaylee Gain, before slamming her head repeatedly into the pavement and causing her to start having a seizure. No one steps in at any point to stop the violence, and other fights soon break out around the initial confrontation.

Kaylee is currently in the hospital in critical condition, fighting for her life, while police report that the 15-year-old assailant, who has been identified by some students as Maurnice DeClue, has been taken into custody on assault charges.

Naturally, the mainstream media has not said a word about this case yet, and for obvious reasons. Once again, a story involving a vicious assault with a black perpetrator and a White victim does not fit into their narrative of so-called “systemic racism,” and thus must be completely buried. The political agenda comes first, even when a 15-year-old girl’s life is on the line.

This story, and the media’s non-response to it, is indicative of just how far we have fallen as a society, how politicized and racially-divided we have become, and how the fantasy of victimhood has become a justification for the most reprehensible acts of unprovoked violence imaginable. There is much work to be done in healing our country, and it will not be quick nor easy. But it must be done if we are to be able to raise the next generations in a decent and safe society that is worthy of what our ancestors did before us.


Police: Missouri Teen ‘Critically Injured’ in Fight After Head Bashed into Pavement

By Olivia Rondeau

A Missouri highschooler is in critical condition while another teen is in custody on assault charges after a brawl turned into one girl brutally bashing the head of another into the pavement.

Disturbing cell phone footage shows the moment a fight between two female juveniles went way too far as one girl quickly overpowered her opponent, knocked her to the ground, punched her in the face several times, and repeatedly slammed her head into the street.

Other teens appeared to be too busy fighting each other and recording the incident on their cell phones to step in and diffuse the violent situation.

The fighting continued as the injured girl lay unresponsive on the ground, seemingly convulsing.

At least six other teens appeared to participate in the brawl, and kept senselessly beating each other until the viral clip ended after about one minute.

The video caused outrage on social media, with many complaining that mainstream media wouldn’t cover it due to the races of the individuals involved — the aggressor appears to be black, and the injured girl appears to be white.

GRAPHIC: A student in @HazelwoodSD is in the hospital in critical condition after being brutally beaten with her head smashed against the pavement by a mob of students.

Multiple people watch and do nothing.

You won’t hear about this story on the MSM. pic.twitter.com/dGzr2Kn6HP

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 10, 2024

The incident took place at an intersection near Hazelwood East High School on Friday, the St. Louis County Police Department said.

Good morning. Here is the latest release of information regarding a fight that occurred in our First Precinct that has…

Posted by St. Louis County Police Department on Monday, March 11, 2024

The juvenile female seen being bashed in the video was left “critically injured” by a “severe head injury,” police said in a press release posted to Facebook.

A 15-year-old girl was arrested the next day and “is currently being held by St. Louis County Family Court on Assault charges.”

Hazelwood School District told FOX 2 in a statement, “It is a tragedy anytime children are hurt.” 

Bullying and fighting in the community is an issue for which we all need to take ownership and work towards a resolution for the sake of our children. The Hazelwood School District offers our sincerest condolences to everyone involved, and will offer additional emotional support from our support and crisis team to those in need.

We look forward to continuing to partner with our community for the sake of our children. Please be kind and respectful of the families involved during this difficult time and pledge to help work toward the betterment of our entire community.

“The investigation is ongoing,” police added.

Read the original article at Breitbart