Once again, President Trump proves himself to not only be ahead of the political game, but consistently better at making his case when it comes to our devastated southern border.

Only after President Trump first announced his intention to visit the southern border once again did Joe Biden suddenly acknowledge that there is an immigration crisis after all, as he rushed to sloppily copy what President Trump did. Both men visited the southern border on the same day, at different locations; Biden was accompanied by the primary culprit of the border disaster, Alejandro Mayorkas, while President Trump was joined by Governor Greg Abbott.

President Trump had a commanding presence the entire time, touring the southern border like a president walking through a wartorn country, while Biden looked clueless and senile as he stood around awkwardly, trying to portray himself as a man in charge but failing to look like a respectable leader.

There is only one man who is capable of restoring our southern border, deporting every last illegal, and turning the tide of the mass migration crisis before it is too late for our country.


New: Contrasts Between Border Towns Biden and Trump Are Visiting Makes Biden Look Even More Pathetic

By Sister Toldjah

Though I’m sure opinions vary, in my view, I don’t think it gets much more pathetic than an election-year photo op “visit” to the southern border by the same president who, until 2024, denied there was even a crisis and yet falsely claimed in other instances that his “hands are tied” by Congress.

Joe Biden is en route to Brownsville, Texas, where we haven’t been given much in the way of the details on what he’ll do beyond his meeting with “U.S. Border Patrol agents, law enforcement, frontline personnel, and local leaders to discuss the urgent need to pass the Senate bipartisan border security agreement.”

Former President Donald Trump, meanwhile, is visiting Eagle Pass, Texas, after months of heavily criticizing Biden’s open border policies, which Biden’s critics blame in part for the fentanyl crisis, and as well as the murder of University of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, among other violent crimes allegedly committed by illegal aliens.

But while the casual observer may think both Trump’s and Biden’s trips to the southern border Thursday are similar in nature, a closer look at the numbers between the two Texas towns, as indicated by Fox News border reporter Bill Melugin, shows stark differences. Trump is visiting one of the major hotbeds of illegal immigrant action in America, while Biden is visiting an area where it has largely been contained thanks to actions taken by Gov. Greg Abbott:

NEW: Just to put into perspective how slow the area of the border Biden is visiting has been compared to the rest, this is internal CBP data reflecting apprehensions for all Border Patrol stations in February. BRP/Brownsville close to end w/ 462 apprehensions. About 17 per day. This puts it at the 29th busiest Border Patrol station in February. The number one station was Three Points in Tucson Sector, which has recorded 13,900+ apprehensions in February.

NEW: Just to put into perspective how slow the area of the border Biden is visiting has been compared to the rest, this is internal CBP data reflecting apprehensions for all Border Patrol stations in February. BRP/Brownsville close to end w/ 462 apprehensions. About 17 per day.… pic.twitter.com/gHkdaypbY6

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) February 28, 2024

NEW: Per CBP sources, internal CBP data reveals the stark difference in activity in the two border locations Trump & Biden will visit today. Over the last 5 days, Border Patrol in Eagle Pass has apprehended over 2,000 illegal immigrants. In Brownsville, only 46 apprehensions. Brownsville hasn’t seen significant activity since last May when Title 42 was ending, when it was the #1 spot for a small window of time. Then Texas locked it down with razor wire and legions of troopers and National Guard and it has been largely silent ever since.

NEW: Per CBP sources, internal CBP data reveals the stark difference in activity in the two border locations Trump & Biden will visit today.
Over the last 5 days, Border Patrol in Eagle Pass has apprehended over 2,000 illegal immigrants.
In Brownsville, only 46 apprehensions.… pic.twitter.com/nTtzdMy4ij

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) February 29, 2024

Good morning 👋 from #Brownsville Texas, where Biden is scheduled to visit today. This part of the U.S.-Mexico border saw a significant drop in illegal crossings over the past year. This is not the epicenter of the border crisis. pic.twitter.com/RQINlwJoKd

— Emel Akan (@mlakan) February 29, 2024

It just further proves the point that these visits are literally nothing more than photo opportunities for the Biden administration.

Let’s break down the trips:

2021: In June 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris, whom Biden designated as his “border czar,” took a hastily arranged trip to El Paso – but only after Trump had announced his intentions to visit (at Abbott’s invitation) a week earlier. It was, of course, a disaster, as Harris didn’t even go directly to the border. Instead, she went to a border patrol facility that was nine miles away, before returning to the airport to meet with other officials.

2023: When Biden’s January 2023 visit to El Paso was announced (his first-ever visit to the border), it was reported that the city had been “sanitized” ahead of Biden’s visit, with not an illegal immigrant camp anywhere to be found on the streets. Once there, Biden avoided the hardest hit areas of El Paso, instead choosing to do more photo ops.

And now there’s the 2024 “visit” which again will not be at or near a hotbed of illegal immigrant activity. Plus, this trip, like Kamala’s, was likely arranged hastily once Trump announced his – a trip Biden laughably claimed he didn’t know was going to take place.

Every single time there has been a trip to the southern border by either Biden or Harris over the last three years, it hasn’t been where the worst of the problems are. These trips have been designed to mask the problem, not solve it, something fed-up residents and community leaders alike – some of them Democrats – have been sounding off on for years.

Ultimately, though, their “tours” of the area turned into big flops quickly, and I have no reason to believe this one will be any different for Biden. The videos and photos this time around are sure to be something else.

As always, stay tuned.

Read the original article at RedState