In an election year already full of truly historic and unprecedented moments, President Donald Trump’s campaign continues to surpass expectations and further erode the traditional left-right dichotomy that has dictated American politics for far too long.
On Friday, President Trump accepted the endorsement of the heir to the Kennedy family, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who dropped his own independent bid for the presidency to throw his support behind the 45th President. Appearing together onstage for the first time at a rally in Glendale, Arizona, Kennedy received a roaring standing ovation from the packed stadium as he greeted President Trump. In his short but impactful speech, Kennedy emphasized the grave threat that the Deep State and the uniparty represent to our country, which is why he has joined forces with a fellow outsider in order to beat the elite once again.
The historic significance of a prominent member of America’s most famous Democratic dynasty endorsing a Republican for President is a massive victory in and of itself, but the Kennedy-Trump alliance represents something even greater than just two outsiders coming together: It represents a major shift in the political identity of this country, away from the Democrat-Republican divide of old, and instead towards a battle between those who support the status quo and those who want to change it. Nationalism and populism drives one coalition, built primarily on the working class fighting to preserve the American Dream for the American people, while globalism and elitism drives the other side, which caters to the coastal elites and plans to continue its reign by endlessly importing millions of third-world illegal aliens.
The America First movement only continues to grow and expand its base, welcoming in anyone and everyone who is prepared to fight the Deep State. The momentum is back on our side once again.
RFK Jr.’s Speech Wasn’t Republican Or Democrat But American
By Margot Cleveland
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. excoriated the Democrat Party, U.S. government, and our supposedly free press during his Friday press conference. Kennedy’s announcement that he will remove his name as a candidate for president in swing states and endorses Donald Trump brought cheers from Trump supporters and derision from Democrat die-hards.
But what does the alliance between Trump and Kennedy mean to the future of the Republican platform? Properly understood, nothing.
Friday’s speech was not about the policies of the Grand Old Party any more than it was about whether Kennedy’s old-school Democrat belief system remained intact. As Kennedy acknowledged, he had been “a ferocious critic of many of the policies during [Trump’s] first administration,” and the two will “continue to have very serious differences” about “issues and approaches.”
Yet an alliance will allow him and Trump to “work[] together on the existential issues upon which we are in concordance,” Kennedy explained during his press conference last week. The key “existential issues” Kennedy identified, and the hopes he professed for our country, transcend partisan politics and harken to the days of our founding.
Kennedy identified institutional corruption of both the government and the press, manifesting itself in “government propaganda,” a “resort to censorship and media control, and the weaponization of the federal agencies” as foundational threats to the country. Lawfare at the voting booth, against both Trump and Kennedy, further built the former Democrat’s case for exiting the race.
These complaints are not Republican or Democrat: indeed, every American should be horrified by the weaponization of our government and the censorship-industrial complex that converted the press from a check on our government to a co-conspirator.
Whether peddling the Russia collusion hoax against Trump, censoring information about Covid-19 vaccines, or hiding Joe Biden’s mental incapacity from the public, the press’s complicity in interfering in both elections and governance leaves Americans with one choice: an electoral revolt against the party responsible for the government’s corruption. As Kennedy put it: “When a U.S. president colludes with or outright coerces media companies to censor political speech, it’s an attack on our most sacred right of free expression, and that’s the very right upon which all of our other constitutional rights rest.”
“Securing our border,” “protecting freedom of speech,” and “getting the U.S. intelligence agencies out of the business of propagandizing and censoring and surveilling Americans and interfering with our elections”—all pressing issues Kennedy identified as reasons for his decision to suspend his campaign and endorse Trump—aren’t matters of partisanship or policy, but a matter of survival for our constitutional republic.
What of Ukraine, ending the forever wars, and fighting “big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money,” as well as ending the childhood disease epidemic? Kennedy also identified those as areas of agreement with Trump.
For some of these issues, such as ending the war in Ukraine, Trump has made his position clear, prevailing with his view in the Republican primary. Trump’s alliance with Kennedy, then, changes nothing about these. On other issues, Republicans will need to assess any forthcoming proposals—just as Kennedy and his supporters will. There well may be fierce disagreements.
Here, though, is the key to why the alliance matters: No one, Democrat, Republican, or Independent, can properly assess a proposed policy without transparency and honest reporting. Nor can a country founded on liberty survive if the government commandeers the press to brainwash its citizenry.
There will be plenty of time for Republicans to fight over policies. Now is the time to win on the fundamentals. Just as Kennedy’s decision to limit his campaign and support Trump does not represent an abandonment by the lifelong Democrat of his policy positions, Republicans welcoming Kennedy and his supporters to the revolution aren’t sacrificing their core conservative convictions either.
Read the original article at The Federalist
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